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+90 532 631 72 12TEA. Obviously, it is tea. Tea is offered at everywhere from morning till night. Turkish people prefer local varieties of tea from the Black Sea plantations, Rize. Tea is prepared using a two-leveled kettle, called chaydanlyk. It contains the main secret to making delicious tea. To give a special taste, several kinds of tea leaves are usually mixed in different proportions.
TURKISH COFFEE. It is well known, that coffee doesn't grow in Turkey. But we call it Turkish coffee for a special way of preparation. Its smell and aroma are divine. This drink is served with a glass of water, sugar cubes or other sweets.
AYRAN. Ayran is a very popular Turkish sour-milk drink. It is available at any store, cafe, restaurant. Also it is possible to make it at home from unsweetened yogurt and salted water. You should whisk it until a froth is on top of ayran. It is served with meat, spicy dishes and various cakes.
SALEP. This hot Turkish drink from orchid roots warms in the cold. It restores strength after illness or physical exertion, and energizes. Salep is used to increase the immune system, to heal sore throat, stomatitis and diarrhea. It is very popular in the cold season.
SHALGAM. It is made from turnip juice and black carrots. The drink has a dark red color with a salty, a bit spicy flavor, something similar to brine. Especially, shalgam is popular in Adana, Mersin, and Hatay. It is sold as a cold drink with slices of pickled carrots. Shalgam is useful after drinking alcohol.
BOZA. This drink is a product of the fermentation of cereals such as corn, millet, and wheat. It reminds of a pruno. The taste is similar to cider, but looks like pudding. Boza is served in glasses, and a bit of fried chickpeas are put on top. The drink was popular during the Ottoman Empire, and was widely used in the Turkish army because of its nutritional quality. The facts is that this low-alcohol drink contains many useful minerals, B vitamins, bacteria and lactic acid. It is necessary to use in very moderate doses.
RAKY. This is a national Turkish strong alcoholic drink with the addition of anise seeds. It is distilled from grapes, figs, or dates. The alcohol content in the drink may be from 40% to 50%. When you drink it, anissed liguied is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 part of raky: 3(4) water. When you mix it with water, raky whitens and looks like milk. If it is necessary, ice is added only to an already diluted drink. Raky is served with slices of carrots and melon, which is a popular Turkish drink.